LYCKA Buurtkamer,

At the workshop I’d like to introduce you to the fascinating world of Petrykivka painting, a traditional decorative Ukrainian painting. It is often called a magic or miracle world, because all flowers and birds are invented but they fascinate with the artists’ imagination, brightness of colours and graceful technique. You won’t find such painstaking technique, where a unique homemade brush made with cat hair is used along with classic brushes. I will introduce you to the basic elements which form the whole composition, tell you about interesting historical facts and events that make Petrykivka painting so valuable and internationally concern, and most importantly, you will be able to create your own small painting under my guidance.
Petrykivka painting workshop by Olena Grishyna, an artist from Ukraine, currently based in Germany.
Workshop 1: 12 April 16:00 – 18:00
Workshop 2:13 April 11:00 – 13:00
Price 25 euro, all materials are provided at workshops, duration is 2 hours.
The number of places is limited, registration via email:
30% of the profit will be donated to support the armed forces of Ukraine.